I can have no description or a lame one. Which one should I choose?

Friday, February 25, 2005

Here's a PJ:

Two friends were walking towards their car in severe snowstorm.

Friend 1: Duuude, driving is going to be really difficult in this condition.
Friend 2: Yeah....... we should play on the backfoot.

(If you didn't get the joke, thats probably because you are not familiar with Cricket.
If you did get it, but found it to be the worst PJ ever.... then Thanks for the compliment.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I wonder ....

How do they keep men from entering women's restroom in Scotland?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Policy Statement

My mantra in life is:

'When you have nothing to say, Shut the Heck Up!'

Those who know me , also know that I (almost) always follow this rule. So I am going to do that here as well. I will blog when I have something to write about, and not just because nothing has been written in a while.

Silence is not always boring.

Disclaimer: This does not, in any way, mean that everything I write will be meaningful or sensible. In fact, I created this blog so that some day I can come back and read it all and say......"mann, was I messed up or what?"